Faforon Distributor

Looking for where to buy or order Faforon herbal, spidex21, spidex20, spidex19, spidex15, Salud extra?

You are now at the right place we stock all of the above products watch the video below to get a simple but clear understanding of the product

Call or Whatsapp Us With This Number 08034749460 Right Away To Get Prompt Answer And Delivery


Faforon remains our FLAGSHIP product… Known for what it does. It rejuvenates; regenerates; repairs and renews damaged body cells. Faforon herbal is a100% organic blood builder and-immune booster it also serves as an energizer circulatory system cleaner dead cell re-builder and it detoxifies the body.


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Our Other Faforlife Products

Salud Herbal

Purifies the blood, supports cardiovascular health and helps in pile.Salud herbal has anti bacterial effects and stops diarrhoea.


A natural herbal blend to treat all prostate cases in men. It helps with enlargement of prostate; UTI cases and even the case of prostate cancer.

Spidex 12

For all forms of eye related issues(cataract; glaucoma; retinopathy; redness of the eye; short and long sightedness etc.)shall be taken care of with this herbal blend.


A herbal blend for high blood sugar. All cases of blood sugar is normalized with this herbal blend. Dosage is also 2 capsules; morning and night time

Spidex 19

Still the Almighty Infection Crusher. Can be used by both male and female but not for children. Dosage remains two capsules morning & night

Spidex 20

Spidex 20 helps with the balancing of the hormones in every female and more. It makes a woman feel like she is still in her 20s


The most wanted by all our men. All male issues are crushed by Spidex21. Erectile dysfunction; Libido issues; Premature ejaculation etc are all taken down by this blend of herbs. Dosage is also 2 capsules...morning & night

Faforlife Men's Coffee

Faforlife Men Coffee...the decaffeinated manpower coffee superbly recommended for all our men. Even as it helps to pump men's libido it doubles the work to give them a healthy prostate

Faforlife Green Coffee

Our newly formulated GREEN COFFEE (with Ganoderma) which is safe to drink so as to shed all the excess fat in the body. Hence this is our SLIMMING TEA.

Faforlife Toothpaste

Healthy Living begins with healthy teeth. Our faforlife herbal toothpaste eliminates all dental issues like tooth decay, plaque buildup, bleeding gums, teeth whitening etc.

Becool (Immune Booter)

Strengthens Immunity, Rich in Vitamin C, Restore Low Iron Levels. Aids Fertility Reduces Tiredness And Fatigue Supports Good Energy Levels.


Remedy For Female Infertility Aids The Ovaries To Release Mature Eggs At Ovulation. Prevents Recurrent Miscarriages. Treats Painful Menstruation/ Dysmenorrhea, Helps Normalize Hormonal Imbalances ,


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But Wait..There's more

Buy 2 bottles of our Faforlife products and get

Let's Eat Healthy Meal Plan(E-Book)

Unlock the power of nutrition with our exclusive bonus eBook, “Let’s Eat Healthy.” Crafted to complement Faforon Herbal products, this guide features healthy recipes that, when combined with our herbal solutions, can help reverse chronic health issues permanently.


Delicious and Nutrient-packed Recipes

Practical Tips for Lasting Results

Holistic Approach to Wellness

Ready to transform your health? Order any Faforon Herbal product now and claim your FREE copy of “Let’s Eat Healthy.” Your journey to vibrant well-being starts here!

Call now to place your order: 08034749460